Stop Leaving Workers Without a Sales Leaderboard Dashboard

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Sarah D
6 min Read
11 June, 2024

Now read that again.

Because there are sales leaderboards — which can help you rank your reps — and then there are leaderboard dashboards — the world’s biggest secret to happy, productive sales reps. 

Confused? Don't be. This guide is here to help.

Here's everything you should know about sales leaderboard dashboards, including what they are, how they work, and how to build one yourself.

But first: what exactly is a sales leaderboard dashboard?

You can probably guess what a sales leaderboard is: it’s an internal tool showcasing your sales reps’ achievements. You then back these rankings with data from your business intelligence platform, or turn to your internal analytics team to call out specific KPIs.

Prior to the advent of digital signage, most leaderboards lived on chalkboards or corkboards. At best, you had a whiteboard. At worst, a piece of paper.

At least they had some 'character?'

An example of a vintage leaderboard before digital sales leaderboard dashboards.
This is pretty close to a vintage sales leaderboard.

You can thank the power of science for inventing leaderboard dashboards, which provide an accessible digital display with real-time sales metrics. This means there are many different ways to set up a sales leaderboard dashboard, most of which depends on the KPIs you track.

This could be:

  • Total dollar amount. This could be their number of sales per quarter or year.
  • Total number of sales. Who’s closed the most deals over a certain time period?
  • Quota attainment. You can display this as a percentage so reps can easily track their progress.

Nearly all businesses use dashboards today — although they don't always use them to support internal sales teams. Less than half of all small to medium-sized businesses make data available for their whole team.

And if you fall into this category, you're missing out on some serious benefits.

Benefits of a sales leaderboard dashboard

Benefits of a sales leaderboard dashboard

You can use sales leaderboards to do a world of good for your business, from boosting the bottom line to creating workplace camaraderie. 

The cherry on top? They’re incredibly easy to make.

If that doesn’t sell you, one of these other benefits will:

Build a culture of data

Leaderboard dashboards benefit literally everyone in your sales department (yes, even those not on the leaderboard). You can think of it like a cascade of productivity: it trickles down into multiple aspects of your business.

With a sales leaderboard dashboard, everyone on your team can take a closer look at their numbers. This encourages friendly competition and reinforces behaviors leading to success.

This data-driven mindset eventually spreads to other departments. Even newer recruits or trainees can get in on the fun!

Boost your numbers (seriously)

No need to take our word for it.

There are dozens of studies and research papers citing the power of leaderboard dashboards:

  • They gamify your business. This increases worker productivity by 50% and boosts employee engagement by 60%.
  • They create engaged sales reps. These powerhouses outperform their non-engaged peers by 18%.
  • They boost your bottom line. Some companies implementing gamification tactics have seen their bottom-line sales margin grow by 45%.

Spend less on user licenses

Hosting your sales data in a BI platform? If so, you're probably familiar with the cost of sharing or viewing dashboards.

This is where the power of TV dashboards come into play — there’s no need to pay for multiple viewers if you’re only displaying your dashboard in one location (i.e., your TV screen).

TV dashboards are a simple, scalable, and cost-effective way to host your sales leaderboard dashboard and beyond. If you’re working with Fugo’s TV dashboards, you can build one in 15 minutes or less. 

💡Related: How Nordward Drove Data Adoption Across Their Office-Bound & Deskless Workforce With Fugo

5 tips to get the most out of your sales leaderboard dashboard

5 tips to get the most out of your sales leaderboard dashboard

Leaderboard dashboards are incredibly powerful, but they won't transform your sales department overnight. A list of names and numebrs won’t do you any good — you need to use strategy to make the most of your display.

Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Focus on everyone, not just the top

It's no secret that positive reinforcement can boost the performance of sales reps. But if your sales leaderboard dashboard on displays top performers, how can you reach those needing support?

In a word: strategy.

You should work to create dashboards that call out top improvers just as much as top performers.

Ask yourself:

  • Which rep has the biggest month-over-month increase?
  • Who on the team is scheduling their 100th meeting?

If you can showcase KPIs that get all reps inspired, you'll get even more mileage from your leaderboard dashboard.

2. Add behavioral KPIs

You can’t expect a return on investment unless you’ve invested something first. For newer sales reps just learning the ropes, this should start with behavioral KPIs.

What are behavioral KPIs, you ask? Think day-to-day tasks like:

  • Meetings booked
  • Cold calls made
  • Personalized emails sent

Rewarding behavioral performance with a place on your leaderboard dashboard can help beginner sales reps acquire some productive new habits.

Not sure where to get started? There's a good chance you're already tracking some behavioral KPIs in your BI platform. If not, look for data collection strategies or integrations that can help.

Just don't get too carried away with the numbers on your board. This is a fairly common KPI board mistake that can make your leaderboard look overwhelming.

3. Create a reward system

A great sales leaderboard can build better relationships with your sales reps, but if you really want to stick the landing, you should follow up with rewards.

Just be sure to strike a careful balance here. There’s a fine line between meeting your rep’s expectations and over-rewarding for the bare minimum. 

You can try:

  • Offering tangible gifts instead of accolades. This doesn’t have to be anything crazy (think a gift card or a nice dinner), but it should be something that catches attention.
  • Creating a clear rule system. Most people appreciate a list of micro-steps, especially if it gives them a fair shake at winning.
  • Shortening time-to-reward. Instead of offering yearly rewards, consider micro-events or competitions (think points or credits per ranking made).

4. Think outside the box

Who said competition was the name of the game? Because there's so much more you can do with a leaderboard dashboard.

Try getting creative with:

  • Product performance. This can help reps focus on overall team efforts rather than individual performance (and the occasional bad day).
  • Positive feedback. Did a customer say something nice a team member? Add their review or testimonial to a dedicated dashboard screen. (Pssst — you can use a digital signage integration to make this process simpler).
  • Team attainment. This will rally the team behind a shared goal and help individual members see how their work impacts the bigger picture.

Curious to give one (or more) of these a spin? If you have a Fugo account, you could set up a recurring playlist that cycles through each dashboard page.

5. Maximize visibility

It doesn't matter how cool your leadership dashboard looks — if your team can't see it, it won't move the needle.

Thankfully, modern technology makes visibility easy. No matter where your reps go, there's a way to share your leaderboard dashboard.

  • If you have a remote team, you can display your leaderboards on company TV channels. This allows teams to sign in to a dedicated TV network and view real-time data from their browser or workspace channel (like Notion).
  • If you have an in-person team, you can make TV dashboards and display them in key locations around your business. That unused conference room TV never looked so good.
  • If manage a frontline sales team or deskless workers, you can use secure on-premise dashboards. Display these screens in common areas for maximum effect (like break rooms, for example). 

Whew! We’ve covered a lot in the past few paragraphs — but as you can see, sales leaderboard dashboards are well worth the hassle.

And if you’re ready to build and display your first screen, we’ll show you how to get started with Fugo below.

Displaying a sales leaderboard dashboard with Fugo

Using our TV Dashboards feature, you'll be able to connect Fugo to your leaderboard, wherever that lives.

Like Salesforce, for example:

If you want to dive deeper & learn how TV Dashboards work, check out our guide here.

You can even take Fugo's functionality deeper to celebrate closed deals in real time with our Zapier integration or by hooking Fugo into your own systems to trigger content on screens with our API.

The final word on sales leaderboard dashboards

Sales leaderboard dashboards are indispensable tools that can help your team go further. It’s not just about the friendly competition — it’s about getting everyone in alignment and moving the needle forward.

Ready to get started? So are we. 

Display sales leaderboard dashboards your team will love with a 14-day free trial of Fugo.

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