The content divide in the digital (signage) age
Have you noticed that pretty much everywhere you go, you always see a TV screen these days? Perhaps because we're a bit trained by now, but we definitely have! Whether it's a vape shop, your local dentist, or independent or large chain coffee shops - digital signage is replacing printed posters in windows, on walls, and just about everywhere (hurrah!)

This is especially true for restaurant menus, which have seen a huge overhaul from print to digital in recent years.
Long, long ago, in the before-times (as we affectionately call BDS - before digital signage) digital signage was a common sight only in large retail chains or upscale shopping malls. But what's changed between then and now? Well, quite a lot actually!
Firstly, we've seen a massive drop in the cost of hardware, which of course has in turn increased accessibility for many businesses that were priced out of the game previously.
But the increasing prevalence of affordable, cloud-based content management software options have also played a huge part in the massive uptake of digital signage. Particularly since the pandemic, the number of screens we see in smaller businesses has exploded. You might even call it... an epidemic (too soon?)
Now screens sit proudly in place of printed posters in bookstores, pharmacies, churches, and even pet shops - you name the place, and it might just have a screen lurking somewhere!
But despite this change, it's still evident that when compared to a glitzy Starbucks digital menu board, your local coffee shop's attempt is unreadable, lacking in design flair, or displaying breakfast items during the lunch hour (the untimely horror! The indignity!)
The digital signage content gap between the two worlds is still noticeable. And at Fugo we say that is just plain wrong.
The main reason for this is that small - and independent single location businesses especially - simply do not have access to software that can allow them to deploy, publish, and update screens without friction. This was why we first created Fugo CMS - to even that playing field and create a beautiful world of digital content for one and all. The Robinhood of the digital signage world was our dream, and it still is.
But, we quickly discovered that this dream did not serve everyone the way we had originally envisioned. For companies that have dedicated marketing teams or IT teams to manage their screen networks and hardware, a full-featured software solution makes total sense. The demands on these networks is great, necessitating a tool to handle content and screen management, along with content design, monitoring, and analytics.
But your average Joe with their small coffee shop is in a totally different boat. For these small business owners with one location or just one screen, we found that they often lack the space for a computer to use the software, let alone have the time to download an app and learn how to use it! Our solution simply added too much friction and too many unnecessary features.
These micro users, as we call them, do not need anything fancy with bells and whistles. They just want a frictionless solution where they can easily add photos and videos to their screens, remotely.
So we went and did a thing...we released a Fugo Telegram Bot (FTB) for digital signage! (you can send us your thanks and reviews 😎)
Yes! The Fugo Telegram Bot is finally here to save the day 🎉 It's the first digital signage content management bot that allows you to turn any screen into a digital signage from a messaging application! Oh technology I hear you say, what will they think of next right!?

FTB fills the gap that we did not realise existed - it provides the zero-friction solution you want and need in your life.
- Do you have digital signage in your business?
- Did you find the set-up unnecessarily difficult?
So did we! Enter Fugo Telegram Bot... it is so futuristic, your grandkids will be talking about it.
Check it out here ⬅️ ⬅️
Here's a quick rundown of what you can do with it:
- Manage up to 3 screens for free
- Remotely pair & unpair your screens
- Remotely publish unique image and video playlists to each screen
- See your playlists and screens

Note: To pair more than 3 screens or access Fugo's more advanced features like apps, templates, and more - you'll need to upgrade to a paid subscription.
Why Telegram?
The digital signage world has fallen victim to a number of false starts here - failed dreams of a simpler world in screen management - from USB sticks to professional hardware. Nothing has been the right fit for the businesses that just need a simple digital display, without the cost and headache.
So why did we choose Telegram for this brave new venture? Well, Telegram has more than 500m users! A lot of business owners use telegram everyday as it enables them to keep in touch with their community from their mobiles and laptops. Our goal was simple - to create an easy way to deploy and pair screens, and an intuitive and frictionless way to upload images and videos to those screens using tools that businesses already know and love.
There's no learning curve. There's no cost. There's no headache. If you can use a messaging app (and who can't?) then you can run your digital signage.
The recipe for easy digital signage with FTB
You will need a screen with an internet connection (any smart TV/screen will do). Then you just have to follow the 3 easy steps below:
- Download the Fugo App on your smart TV or your Media Player (we support most Players, so you are covered irrespective of what screen you have. Check out a full list of them here along with their set-up instructions here.)
- Download the Telegram Chat App on your phone or your computer
- Search for Fugo Digital Signage in the Telegram app or find the bot here and follow the instructions for giving commands to pair and publish to your screens!
For the full guide on how to use the Telegram bot, look here.
That’s it, now the world is your oyster!
We love and value our users' feedback! Fugo is YOUR digital signage, so please drop us a line on our roadmap with your thoughts and any new features you want team Fugo to work on ❤️
Future Telegram Bot Features
These are the features we're working to build into the Fugo Telegram Bot:
- YouTube links
- Weather
- World Clock
If you have questions or want to know more about how you can get started with a digital signage project, you can contact us any time. We love to chat!